S.Y.C.C. #86 - A Contract's A Contract

Heather receives a most unwelcome guest!

B.P.#104 - The Clone Hunter
The Clone Hunter continues his hunt.
B.P.#103 - The Clone Agenda
Petra recovers a thumb drive that holds the secrets of the mysterious Clone...
S.Y.C.C. #85 - Reiter's Block

Max Reiter needs further inspiration for his novel!

V.V.#149 - Teen Bat 11: Overwhelmed
Teen Bat takes on the Contractor!
SS#158 - Teen Bat 11: Overwhelmed (Peril)
Teen Bat takes on the Contractor!
Sexy Spies #49 - White Angel 35
A White Angel tries to retire from the spy game!
D.C.#48 - The Ultimate Rush (Director’s Cut)
Milena takes Petra's place as a seductive spy! Upscaled version!
C.E. #64 - “Teen Bat 5: New Kid In Town” Plus Extra Footage Reel (Collector’s Edition)
Both versions of "Teen Bat 5: New Kid In Town" upgraded to BIG SCREEN...