"Silk 'N Blood" Series

"Silk 'N Blood" Series
Episode 133b - Double Agents (Part 2)
Product ID : sku00209
(This is Part 2 of a three part storyline.)

Petra, a Russian...
Episode 133c - Double Agents (Part 3)
Product ID : sku00210
(This is Part 3 of a three part storyline.)

Petra, a Russian...
Episode 180a - Deadly Competition 2 - Part 1
Product ID : sku00353
Two actresses contend for the same role!
Episode 231 - Confessions & Consequences
Product ID : sku00631
Jessica is desperate to see a psychiatrist to discuss her troubling dreams!
Episode 353a - The Silencer
Product ID : sku01020
Petra has a run in with The Silencer!
Episode 353b - Farewell, My Precious
Product ID : sku01021
Petra has made plans to go away!
Episode 204 - Control Freak
Product ID : sku00483
Jessica returns as a patent thief!