"Bluestone Presents" Series

"Bluestone Presents" Series
B.P.#49/50 - I, A Woman - Full Version
Product ID : sku00496
This is the full movie of the future virus and the cure!
B.P.#46/47 - Light & Sound - Full Version
Product ID : sku00456
Petra plays a secret agent with a licence to kill!
B.P.#48 - Secret Admirer - Full Version
Product ID : sku00466
Petra plays two sisters who are refugees from Bosnia!
B.P.#55 - One Step Beyond (Full Version)
Product ID : sku00589
Petra plays an heiress in a coma whose step-sisters plot against her!
B.P.#58 - Series Finale - Full
Product ID : sku00704
Petra's real life begins to mirror her TV role!
B.P.#62 - Deja View (Full Version)
Product ID : sku00755
Lena and Kerie are forced to repeat the same scenario with different results!
B.P. #02 - The Setup
Product ID : sku00182
This noir masterpiece stars Johnny Bolt as a private investigator who is...
B.P. #18 - Dark Future
Product ID : sku00264
A possible dark future for mankind!
B.P.#21 - The Tiffany Vignettes
Product ID : sku00289
Featuring the Acting Skills of Tasty Tiffany!
B.P.#23 - A Hard Lesson
Product ID : sku00304
A call girl starts skimming from her madam.
B.P.#28 - The Frenzy Alternative
Product ID : sku00324
A man is upset when he is rejected by an agency.
B.P.#30 - Enter Valeria
Product ID : sku00333
Valeria (as played by Velvets) is an evil seductress!
B.P.#31 - Sudden Frenzy
Product ID : sku00334
A romantic evening takes a sudden and unexpected turn of events!
B.P.#32 - Passport To Eternity
Product ID : sku00369
Petra plays a forger and Suzi plays a Russian spy purchasing forged passports.
B.P.#40 - Finding Agent Kat
Product ID : sku00411
Spy thriller with Suzi, Nicole & Meredith!
B.P.#60 - Room 666 Forever
Product ID : sku00712
Two larcenous women hide out in a haunted hotel room!
B.P.#76 - Dream Sequences
Product ID : sku01004
Petra appears in various dream sequences!
B.P. #04 - Invictus Conspiracy
Product ID : sku00192
The story is set in the future where there's a global government and very few...